Monday, June 21, 2010


It seems like we just got to Corpus and now we're leaving. We'll be saying goodbye to the southern coast and heading straight north to Fargo, North Dakota of all places. And there's a pretty good chance that I may freeze to death.

Josh found a job in Fargo and has been training for it in Utah this past week. It's really the perfect job for him and it's a great opportunity for our little family. He'll still be working for APX, but as a service technician. We've even found an apartment in Fargo already, so things are really working out so far. Oh and did I mention- we'll be leaving in a little over a week. It's all happening so fast!

So there are some pretty big changes coming up for us. In about a week we'll be on our way, starting a new chapter in our life. And for this chapter, I'll be trading in my flip-flops for winter boots.


  1. Oh wow!!! That is certainly a big change!! Congrats on the new job, and I know everything will be wonderful for y'all! What a great couple y'all make, and certainly an example! Good luck with the move!!

  2. Thanks Angela!! It's going to be a lot different than Texas! Hope everything's good with you!

  3. Yaay :)
    I am glad to know all is really going well.
    We miss you!
